About Linda
Welcome to lindagendry.de!
This is where I share the recipes I love, new ones I learn as well as the experiences I gain along the way.

Who is Linda?
Born in 1995 and raised in a small German town in the beautiful area called Baden-Württemberg, I am currently studying and living in Stuttgart. For one of my classes at University in Glasgow, where I did an Erasmus term, I had to set up and promote a blog about a topic I love. The choice was obvious!
So you probably already noticed: I love food! I love trying new things while baking or cooking and I don’t always follow the recipe. Rules are made to be broken right? So this is me trying to let you be a part of my successes and failures.
Other than that I am all about movie nights with friends, Harry Potter, art, family vacations in a motorhome that is way to small to fit all of us, binging tv series (is there even any other way?), student bars, cinemas, freshly picked apples from my parent’s garden, cats, donuts, plants and so on…
Thank you for stopping by lindagendry.de! I would love to get to know you, so please feel free to leave a comment or message me!